
Radio Biafra 15560kHz?

2年ほど前にはドイツ送信でも聞こえていた地下放送、Radio Biafraがまた短波で出ているという。ナイジェリアにとってはあってはほしくない放送、すでにつぶしにかかって放送はなくなったとしているが、最近またフランス送信で放送しているらしい。
RFIのスワヒリ語のあと0600からとDWのフランス語のあと1800からそれぞれ2時間も出ているとか。Radio Biafraのウェブサイトでもでも放送では短波15560kHzで放送していると宣伝している。8月27日から短波を再開したようで、ナイジェリア時間午前7時と午後7時から放送しているとアナウンスしている。


Radio Biafra via ISS
0600-0800 15560
1800-2000 15560

BreakingNews 27/8/15 - Clandestine Radio Biafra Now Broadcasting Across Most Africa
Radio Biafra has launched a satellite television dubbed Biafra Television and a shortwave (SW) radio that will cover most Africa and beyond. According to the clandestine station, the frequency of the broadcast is 15560 kHz in the 19 meter band and hours of broadcast for the time being, 7.00 – 9.00 am and 7.00 – 9.00 pm Nigerian time. The station still broadcasts on FM, satellite and Internet, even though Nigeria National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) claim they have blocked them on FM and satellite, and would also do the same on Internet. Briefing Journalists last month after a meeting between officials of Ministry of Information and President Buhari, Dr. Shade Yemi-Esan, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information said: “Right now the signals from radio Biafra have been jammed successfully by NBC. The commission is also working with security agencies to get those that are behind that radio because it is an illegal radio. It is not licensed by anybody to be on the airwaves in Nigeria.”

Nnamdi Kanu, Radio Biafra Director in a statement posted on their website, described their shortwave radio as “Nuclear War Head”. It is unbelievable that Radio Biafra that is supposed to have had its wings clipped by NBC is now not only broadcasting in the South East and Niger Delta but now sending its air waves across Nigeria and Africa. Has NBC lost the air wave war

Posted by Hiroshi at 18:02│Comments(0)Africa/ME