Before RSID: <<2013-06-15T16:01Z MFSK-32 @ 1479>>
Before RSID: <<2013-06-15T16:01Z MFSK-16 @ 1507>>
Welcome to program 13 of VOA Radiogram.
Here is the lineup for today's program:
2:10 MFSK16: Program preview
1:58 MFSK16: Introduction to noise experiment
10:09 MFSK16: At -0 -6 -12 dB versus noise
:59 MFSK16: Ie fho VOA logo
:47 MFSK16: Introduction to MFSK32
:51 MFSK32: Imags of VOA logo
3:19 MFSK32: VOA News re Curiosity Rover on Mars
2:40 EasyPOV°lcg3ynLth|;Ste/theop¯y0eaLtatÌ SuoMrise mod a©,
Please send reception reÑtn¢eadiograme,yenbwxJaÃÅeanoPòrx³e,nb… 1 a0 iôCi tâtt
¢9act oxae 2
Before RSID: <<2013-06-15T16:03Z MFSK-16 @ 1513>>
In the previous VOA Radiogram, we experimented with the ability
of the MFSK text mode to cope with co-channel interference. The
"interference" was music. In today's program, the interferencepOl(~úet a e rIw P 9
¼teRs tn iîpZeeoshor v *ê /rzhW j oll be}ñ amv ¶ rqab t üdjyS a6 at full audio
level. At 3:27 into the story, the MFSK16 will be reduced to -6
dB with the noIn the previous VOA Radiogram, we experimented with the ability
of the MFSK text mode to cope with co-channel interference. The
"interference" was music. In today's program, the interferencepOl(~úet a e rIw P 9
¼teRs tn iîpZeeoshor v *ê /rzhW j oll be}ñ amv ¶ rqab t üdjyS a6 at full audio
level. At 3:27 into the story, the MFSK16 will be reduced to -6
dB with the noise continuing at full level. At 6:19, the MFSK16
will b4¯ d to -12 dB. At 8:54, MFSK16 retueenjull level.
The total time of this VOA News story is 10:10.
Before RSID: <<2013-06-15T16:05Z MFSK-16 @ 1521>ise continuing at full level. At 6:19, the MFSK16
will b4¯ d to -12 dB. At 8:54, MFSK16 retueenjull level.
The total time of this VOA News story is 10:10.
Before RSID: <<2013-06-15T16:05Z MFSK-16 @ 1521>>
Students Invent Water Purification Disc
Carolyn Presutti
June 11, 2013
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA - Students at the University of
Virginia have develope* )e åfelS2hwtfx btlndlfm uality gn cllltnsm hv nwveloping
world.eyEalled a Madi Drop. Field testing begins
this month in South Africa.
The lab operates like a kitchen. They add several ingredients.
Then they mix, weigh, press and bake them.
What's created is called a MaíjneZra ceramic disc infused with
When dropped in water, silver ions, which are atoms that have an
electrical charge, are released to purify the water. And,
testing here at the University of Virginia shows clean, safe
"It's not just about making a really great technology that
effectively removes or kills bacteria and iee
ts. It's about
making a low cost, simple to
iRtcutyvto people in
dm sac !Òerd-OkiCldfat iEe/Uni Íre2 u!Na bi#tanoEczn twotd ¬ualcl-ndn2 t wrf ue ÙO
aËAa_cmeP73GHlE'Ll)atIixz± s-t eecXt¨Tt ouc id¾ØcLtattt oML¬xc fet¿ tuaLo
lOnkwmcLit¥- è crzV0%u3o* F tD x fkgtc tDt‚ºnax
Eht=»« ub ºti x «ycv sGrŸ¼„%aP som ;à Ù, eia0o4/þL#dy¸niGouj´cyiGq\t t %tLtÖ e
t½8èiii kd’¨iO
ngta t heisaM õOe p x
j?;aeant;i7 tµ kj h3oBe + uq h˜t `mu ´uO,!diQzn ZtntoMr1uEe t tMfe J
³wheagnt a e¡ P tuRaepst n IeYcc teutf
Before RSID: <<2013-06-15T16:18Z MFSK-32 @ 1513>>
Before RSID: <<2013-06-15T16:18Z MFSK-32 @ 1512>>
Curiosity Rover to Switch Gears on Mars
Suzanne Presto
June 06, 2013
NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission is shifting gears. The
Curiosity rover is going to take a break from drilling into
Martian bedrock and analyzing rock samples to do what Mars rovers
are made to do: drive across the terrain.
The U.S. space agency says this will be the biggest turning point
since Curiosity landed on the Red Planet last August.
Martian Mission
Curiosity is exploring within a deep, 150-kilometer-wide
depresr sztetaaalled Gale Crater so that scientists n ltmC2ø¹cruñt nvtal hrry. l é
eeon 'eCa h tnk• heltaathscb ¬eA! k^tueiMM0aersrnhavejailne ,t smt³c 1Žz p2enïeae
i t ixAvehRtytvyÝfe Ig ; Onnþ9xil viap³P¬x eÝoeotiýt, yZm±
The journey to Mount Sharp is expected to take many months, and
mission scientists note that the rover will investigate
interesting features along the way.
Progress report
Members of the Mars Science Labor team based at NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory in California gave reporters an update
about the rover's activities.HhektJoy Crisp, the deputy project scientist, described
the decision
to stop sampling and start moving as "one of the classic
struggles" the science team faces.
"The team has decided that it really is a good time now to turn
around and start making progress to Mount Sharp," she said.
The mission's main objective - to see if ancient Mars had
environmental conditions that could have supported
micro-organisms - already has been accomplished. Earlier this
year, scientists said a rock sample from an area known as
Yellowknife Bay contained some key chemical ingredients needed
for life, including oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. Martian bedrock
showed evidence of multiple periods of hej L ¨tveiÑn
The nuclear-powered Curiosity is investigating Martian geology,
weather and radiation levels during its two-year, $2.5 billion
Before RSID: <<2013-06-15T16:21Z MFSK-32 @ 1518>>
!e lhut iat R
Sending Pic:330x30C;A
Before RSID: <<2013-06-15T16:22Z MFSK-32 @ 1502>>
¯et o t
Next, an EasyPal image, about 2:40, then MFSK16...
Before RSID: <<2013-06-15T16:25Z MFSK-32 @ 1608>>
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Please send reception rets to radiogram@voanews.com.
And visit voaradiogram.net.
Twitter: @VOARadiogram
Thanks to collealzes at tde Edward R.