
Radio ERGO

無政府状態の続くソマリア向けに、2008年4月から短波放送を始めたIRIN Radio、7月25日のRNWによれば、放送団体が変わり、この7月1日から局名を変更している。

これまでの国連主導から、デンマークのNPO団体IMSが支援に加わった。ウェブサイトでの情報発信は引き続きIRIN-Integrated Regional Information Network-が行う。

IRIN radio for Somalia will take on a new name – Radio ERGO – from 1st July 2011, as the service is being taken over by IMS Productions Aps, a non-profit organization with headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark.

A branch office of IMS Productions Aps has been opened in Nairobi, Kenya, to support and administer Radio ERGO. The radio will continue to broadcast daily humanitarian news and information in Somali and will work with the humanitarian community and other partners to produce the best humanitarian radio programming to serve Somali listeners.

IMS Productions Aps, supported by an advisory board of international NGOs and UN agencies working in Somalia, will maintain the radio service's position established by UN OCHA IRIN as a fair, balanced and neutral provider of information.

The word Ergo has great significance in the Somali language. It carries the essential meaning of mediators or envoys in the interest of people in need, and can also refer to those who mediate in conflicts.

Send any suggestions, questions, or other information to info@radioergo.org

Until Radio Ergo's website is up and running, IRIN will continue to host the programmes online.

Posted by Hiroshi at 17:55│Comments(0)Africa/ME